Benefits of Compressed Agri-Fibre (CAF) Panels
Product Features Builder Benefits
1. Speed of Installation Save at least 25% in time, enhancing builder profits by reducing overhead and carrying costs during construction, and bringing income-producing buildings on-line faster. 2. Excellent Thermal Properties Lower utility bills through highly thermally efficient wall and roof panel assemblies. Higher profitability. Lowers portion of building costs devoted to more costly, larger HVAC systems and time consuming insulation. 3. Acoustical Advantages Excellent marketing features — competitive advantage for high quality demising walls and floor to floor noise control. Reduces need to invest in sound deadening materials that reduce profit margins. 4. Superior Fire Rating 2.5 + hour rating for vertical wall assemblies and a 1.5 hour rating for horizontal ceiling and roof assemblies. Substantial savings in drywall costs in multi-family and commercial construction projects. 5. Superior Structural Properties Good flexibility in structural design. High racking strength for wind and earthquake loading. Fewer recalls after completion of projects due to elimination of stress cracks from settling. 6. Environmentally Safe Excellent marketing feature appealing to increasing numbers of environmentally conscious consumers. Fewer problems associated with disposal of non-biodegradable waste from construction sites. No off gassing – no harmful airborne particles.7. Competitive PricingSavings in construction costs that can translate into a savings for your customer and/or increased profits for you. Significant savings from labor reduction. |